The Shortest Poem

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Love Trap



I used to write a lot of poems, and since I wrote them when I was very young, they were all about love. (very young being, 10 up to my teen years. I had crushes back then (so young?!)... who never liked me back. lol) I also used to like to write short stories too, about love as well... but, growing up, together with disillusionment, happened. I got tired of it and I've stopped writing when I entered college.

Anyway I was just thinking the other day of how I met my now boyfriend, whom from henceforward will be named in this blog as aiko (his family nickname) and how he lured me into liking him...and how gullible I was. LOL tsk heh.

The above can scarcely be called a poem, but what the heck, I shall make use of poetic license.

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